dlvr.it will deliver your content automaticly

There's a lot social site growing right now. this kind of site will helping you to growing your visitor site.Site like Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin and everything else that could help and build trafict to our article on our site.
There's a way to promote your site content to social site like that. this site work automaticly deliver your newest content to social site such as facebook, twiter, and linkdin.

This site name is dlvr.it. dlvr.it provides bloggers, publishers and brands a way to instantly syndicate content and expand their reach on the social web and into new channels.

Our tools make it easy to manage and measure the flow of your content everywhere your audience is. dlvr.it publishes your media, your blogs, all your content to your social channels, ensuring your audience sees it instantly.you just need to sign up free and conect all your social networking site to your blog or site and dlvr.it will deliver automaticly to your social network site.I tell you, This is the cheapest way to promote your site and in other way you build your online costumer to your "market" place. Its like Frenchise way to deliver your content to the world with social networking site as your media.How do I use bit.ly with dlvr.it?
To shorten links using bit.ly (or bit.ly pro) you'll first need a bit.ly account. Then, enable bit.ly in your dlvr.it account by adding your a) bit.ly username and b) bit.ly api key here: Settings → Short Links.

To find your bit.ly api key log into bit.ly, then go to http://bit.ly/account/. You'll find your bit.ly api key under the heading 'API Key'. It looks something like this:

The steps to set up bit.ly in dlvr.it look like this:

1.Go to setting ----> short links
2. Add. bit.ly
3. bit.ly added

Your default shortener will automatically be selected when you create new routes. However, changing your default shortener will have no impact on your selected shortener for existing Routes. To use a new shortener in existing Routes, you'll need to select it per Route by editing the Route shortener settings.

1. Go to Deliveries -> Routes

2. Options: Shortener

If you choose to use a shortener other than dlvr.it's shortening service, dlvr.it will not track/report click stats for items. 
Sign up here : http://dlvr.it/
source : dlvr.it