Beautify your blog with the right widget (episode 1)

If you're new in blogging, you must be confused where to find some awesome widget to beautify your blog. beautify some blog could make the visitor stand or like for just hang on your blog. ofcourse you must consider what kind of widget did you need to beautify your blog. now I will discousse what kind widget to put to your blog to make your blog beautiful and nice to saw.

1. Clock Widget
You should put a clock widget to your blog so your blog visitor feel cozy to know what time is it. you can find the widget here or here

2. Calender

Put some date of month or calender to your blog could help you to know the day. because sometimes, we even didn't recognize what day it is. so you should put some calender in your blog. you could find the widget here

3. Create a Google Talk chatback badge

A Google Talk chatback badge will let visitors to your web page chat with you. They'll be able to chat with you whenever you're signed in to your Google Talk or at your gmail. so you could chat about everything with yuour blog/web visitor when your Google talk/Gmail online. visit here to make your own google talk chat badge.

4. Create some music player in your blog

There's a lot music site offer you music player widget to add to your blog. you could costumize and put your favorite song on it. one of it sites is this site provide some html/embed code for the player. you just need to copy the code and add it to your blog then wala,now your blog had a music to entertain your blog visitor.

5. Add your Skype button

If you skype user, you could add your skype button as a widget in your blog. so your blog visitor could contact you via skype, you could get it here

Thats it for now. I will research and inform the newest widget I can found on internet. for now, add all widget above to make your blog more beautiful and very nice for the visitor to stay.