She told me is one of a lot social bookmarking tools for bookmark your favorit page or the way to promote your blog and your article. As a user, you participate in determining all site content by discovering, selecting, sharing, and discussing the news, and videos that appeal to you. so how this site works? that is simple
1. Discover
Submit your favorites. Find an article, image or video online and submit it to You can also submit your own content. Your submission will immediately appear in "Upcoming", where other members can find it and, if they like it, vote for it.
Get on The Front Page. Once a submission has earned a critical mass of votes, it jumps to the homepage in its category and The Front Page, the homepage of
Discover media on SheToldMe. Visit the "Upcoming" section to discover recently added news and videos.
Of course, you can always check the topic homepages to see what's newly popular. And you can subscribe to RSS feeds of particular topics and front page/upcoming sections. You can also follow SheToldMe on Twitter.
2. Select
Vote up. Participate in the collaborative editorial process by voting for the stuff that you like best. As you vote, you contribute to the popularity of any given item.
Vote down. If you find scoops with bad links, off-topic content, or duplicate entries, click the "down arrow". That's how we get the spam out of the system and let the good stuff rise to the top.
The system only works when users actively participate on a large scale, so make sure to do your part and vote up and down for content that matters to you!
3. Discuss
Comment. Share your opinions by commenting on scoops, images and videos.
4. Earn money with AdSense Revenue Sharing
Submit content. For each content you submit to SheToldMe a page is created. This page will receive visitors from Google and users of the site. On every pages you create your AdSense ads will be displayed 100% of the time. If an ad is clicked, you earn money in your AdSense Account, it's as simple as that
so if you a publisher or blogger, this site could give you more than you could imagine. why? because this site offer you to promote your blog or article and share it to the world, more like stumbleupon or other bookmarking tools. and if your article is searchable content, then prepare your site to recive a wave of traffict visitors. and that mean, your site will known to the world.
is this site had a refferal program? yeah this site had it. promote this site and if there's or someone join under your name as your refferal, your ads(google adsense) will also appearance in their article that mean, your chance income on your adsense will get higher.
" When you refer a new member to with your referral link, you will have your AdSense ID displayed on every content pages this member submits, 100% of the time, for life! Even if this new member doesn't have an AdSense account and submits content just to build links and bring traffic to his content!Your AdSense ad will be located within the text of his scoop, just below the tags. When a member with no referrer submits a content page, you can see an AdSense ad at the very bottom of the screen, this is the third ad (out of the three allowed by AdSense on a single page) and it is removed to make space for your AdSense ad on every pages submitted by members you referred." source : SheToldMe
you can choice a banner to promote it as I put above and add it into your blog or site. there are several size for the banner you can choice one which fit up with your blog.
Adsense Revenue sharing
As I told above, if you had a google adsense account, this site will increase your earning from it. why? because :
- For each link you submit to a page is created with the title of the link, the link, a description, a screenshot of the website hosting the link, a link to your main site (optional: only if you fill in the field in your user account)
- Up to 3 AdSense blocks are displayed on this page, if you fill in the AdSense Publisher ID in your account, an AdSense block with your ID will be located closest to the title of your link, at the best spot in terms of CTR, 100% of the time. If you don't want to participate in the AdSense Revenue Sharing program and don't fill in the field in your account, there will be no ads at this location.
If you have never heard about the AdSense Revenue Sharing concept before and you're afraid it might get you into trouble with AdSense, here are a few facts you should know:
- AdSense Revenue Sharing is allowed by Google, it has been happening on many community-based websites in the past, as far back as 2004 (AdSense is born in 2003)
- Several AdSense Publisher ID can be displayed on a single page, as long as the total number of ad blocks is within AdSense policies (3 Ads blocks, 3 Adlinks, 2 AdSense search boxes)
- The website offering AdSense Revenue Sharing has to comply with AdSense TOS (Terms of Service) otherwise ads will be disabled on it (the accounts won't be banned). doesn't violate AdSense policies.
- has developped a stop-word system which disable AdSense display as soon as one of a list of stop-words has been detected in the url, title or description of the link submitted. Those words include casino, porn, etc. Words which relate to topics not allowed by AdSense.
- If you are thinking of abusing by displaying your AdSense ads on the site and clicking on them yourself, think twice: it doesn't matter where your AdSense ads are displayed on, if you're caught doing that, your account will be banned by AdSense, and there's no going back, no second chance!
source : shetoldme
That as you could see this site doesn't violate google adsense TOS. so what are you witing for? sign up here for free and build your traffict to earn much more chance to get some money..