Report Your News to The World

This time sjp4u wanna discussed on news sites for the Internet. if you have a Reporter Instinct, you must try this one. For begin this, you must prepare a Camera (its okay to use mobile phone camera), a pen and paper, continue to start searching a news headlines that might be news in some news sites such as Yahoonews, or google news. company news provides an opportunity for a reporter amateurs like us, to be able to make or proclaim the events that happen around us in order to be read and viewed by all people in the world.

This site also provides tutorials to our Members to be a reliable reporter. we can read the tutorial before we can continue to practice if there's a hot news.

There are several levels here that distinguishes income for the members.

1. Stringer - beginner level
2. Reporter
3. Anchor - the highest level

Contributors from the level of Stringer, and then move to the level of reporter, then to the level of Anchor or the highest level. speed increases in the rates depending on how much you involved with this community, how to increase your popularity or reputation, and how to promote content or news that you created. The sooner you build your reputation, the more people who read or view your news, the faster your level rise as well.

You start out and are in the process of building your reputation and influence on You have tremendous potential if you make the platform

You are promoted to the level of reporter if you have shown an increased rate of impact on your social network and have a fairly large fan base and growing. In addition, the community must assess your item well, show respect for your viewpoint. To become a reporter, 5-7 last contributed reporting should have full credibility rating.

You are promoted to the anchor if you are an experienced writer or have been examined by rose through the ranks of Stringer for the Reporter to Anchor. To achieve the status of Anchor, 15 of your last statement should be issued with full credibility, you do not have the copyright infringement, and you are respected by the community based on their rating of your content.

Here's how the revenue count

Your score will be used to determine how much you will be paid at the end of each month. your score at End of Month You paid $ per 1000 page views BASED Activities Monthly Payment: 50 or above and below 65 or above $ 1.5065 and below 90 $ 2.5090 or above $ 3.00

Payment Methode

The payment is made every month if your earning calculate at $100 through Paypal or Check payment. Before you made a payment, you must fill the tax information in your payment section. if your earning do not touch $100 in a month, your earnings will rolling into the next month.

Your score is the sum of:

* Reputation Score (35% of your total score)
* Participation Score (50% of your total score)
* Campaign Score (15% of your total score)
Your score is calculated each day. You can find your score on your user profile page by clicking on the tab Metric Reporter. Your score at the end of each month to determine whether you qualify for cash prizes under Incentive Program and what level of payment will be to display a page that still must be paid for that month alone.

Activities that can increase the score

Most your score relates to how many articles are written, quality content, and how you promote it on Facebook and Twitter. Scores of individuals and activities that contribute to them all give each other high scores, while at the same time promoting the brand and

if interested, just click the address above.

legality of this company already have in ask again, what sjp4u knew is this company ask you to fill the tax information before you receive the payment. This is prove the legitimate of this site.