Tips n Trik increase your earning on Triond and Shooving

For this time SJP4U will discuss how to increase visitors to the article that we make on both sites.

There are several ways to increase visitors to the article that we make.

  1. Make it interesting articles and general in search of people a lot with spelling sentences that are easy to be understood by others. Article we make actually need long guns. is important we make with a good grammar and spelling. a recipe was actually being able to become a good article if we pack it with a clear and understandable crowd. .
  2. If you have multiple social networking accounts like Facebook, Tweeter, Myspace etc, you could advantage of the features "share" in the widget once agan articles accepted and published by triond / Shvoong. sample results can be tough on my FB. This very potent way to increase the view / visit on our article, especially if we have a lot of followers / friend on account of our social networking.
  3. Join with bookmarking site such as Redgage, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc. that could increase your article visitor and will increase your chance to gain dollar from it, esspesially for Redgage. This site will earn you some money just for sharing your link article. so you could gain extra money from one article
  4. Many-many are looking for friends in triond / Shvoong order to support each other to always go to every article that we make. and make comment to their work to appreciate their job
tips n trick above might still be added after ane more familiar with both sites. for a while, used it first my tips above after for your articles. so what are you waiting for ..? Hurry and make a list of articles that let opportunity wash dollar much more wide open than all the sites that follow gan.
Remember, start all this with the intention to share because then, we can be more free to write and hopefully be able to give enlightenment to everyone who read our articles. due for promotion to a post / article / blog is very easy, the difficulty was to maintain confidence in visitors to each article / blog that we make. and to foster the belief that we should be able to write honest, creative, inofativ, and remain friendly, because all of our revenues or money that we can, starting from all the above properties. This all is just the law of cause and effect and is just a Theory that is still ane learned and try to keep in practice ...